The Difference Between Primer And Undercoat Paint


For those who are not aware of the ABCs of painting, undercoat and primer paint may seem to be one and the same. However, the two are actually poles apart. While the primer paint is used right before painting a new surface, the undercoat paint is used before painting a surface that has been painted in the past. In other words, an undercoat can be a primer but a primer is never an undercoat.

The primary reason behind using an undercoat paint is to have a uniform, smooth and even surface so that one can paint on topcoats. These play the role of a base paint so that the topcoat will have a denser and substantial appearance after it has been painted on. If you wish to paint wood substrates then undercoat paints are definitely the way to go! Undercoats are also capable of covering or hiding surface imperfections on the walls.

Primers, on the other hand, are meant for ‘virgin’ walls or walls that haven’t been painted before. These do a great job of sealing and bonding so as to make a great base layer or foundation for painting on the topcoat. Primers are extremely versatile in the sense that they can be used for the interiors of the house as well as the exteriors. Primarily speaking, there are three types of primers: latex ones, lacquer ones and alkyd ones.

Primers work best on flat wall surfaces and low-gloss ones. The best type of primer would probably be the alkyd-based ones because these are capable of penetrating into the surface of the walls and making a deeper bonding since they stay wet for a long time. Unfortunately, this also means that people with very little patience should stay away from such primers. Also, another negative factor of alkyd primer is that these give off a strong odor.

Since primers and undercoats are completely distinct therefore they must be chosen with care. Think of the project you have at hand before you purchase any one of the two. You can make your choice after taking into consideration the substrate in question that has to be painted.

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